Gainesville Well Inspections
As spring arrives, so does the need for an annual water well checkup. Millions of U.S. households rely on water wells for their water supply. That means that as the weather warms up, you are increasingly more reliant on your well.
It’s important to make sure that your well is up and running before the peak water use season begins. After all, preventative maintenance is better than emergency maintenance and it will help prolong the life of your well.
For a professional water well inspection, contact Perry’s Pump Repair, a Gainesville pump repair company. We have the tools and experience to make sure your well is working correctly and providing clean, safe water.
Common Water Well Issues
Water wells should be routinely inspected to ensure that there are no mechanical breakdowns, no water contamination and to prolong the life of service. Any issues found, even small problems, should be addressed immediately as they can later turn into major, costly repairs if neglected.
Look for Damages
Now that icy temperatures are no longer a worry, it’s time to remove well coverings and insulation to check the well head. Give your wellhead a visual inspection, look for any cracks or water leaks. During the winter, when water reaches freezing temperatures (even in Florida) it can cause the water inside the well to expand and crack your well. Any damage or corrosion to the well casing could severely impact your system and render it useless.
Also check for any cracks on surface seals. If any of the above damages are observed, it will most likely have to be professionally repaired or replaced. Contact a water well company, Perry’s Pump Repair can help you with any necessary well pump repairs.
Avoid Stagnant Water & Runoff
Ensure that the area around the wellhead is sloped to avoid any stagnant water around it. As spring rains begin, surface runoff could gather around your well.
Sitting water can contain pesticides, fertilizers, leaves and other organic matter, especially if there are animals around. All of this matter will begin to decompose and could potentially contaminate your water supply if it sits there long enough to find a way in. Your well’s casing should also be sufficiently high to keep out any water that passes through the area.
Water Quality
Water quality should be checked for any change in color, odor, or taste. Changes in your water’s pH levels can affect the way water looks and tastes. If the pH of your water is too low or too high it can damage or even corrode the pipes in your home, leading to contamination that could leave you sick.
A water pH test kit is a fast and easy way to help you determine your water’s levels. Seeking professional water treatment in Gainesville, FL, can ensure that your water is free of any harmful bacteria and other possible contaminants.
Water Pump Services in Gainesville, FL
While routine check-ups on your well are important to quickly identify any damages or issues, a thorough inspection should always be conducted by a professional company. Repairs and replacements can be tricky and the risk of accidentally contaminating your water supply in the process could be high. Contact Perry’s Pump Repair today for a water pump installation, repair or inspection this spring season!
Call in the Professionals at Perry’s Pump Repair for All Your Water Pump Maintenance Needs
A tripped water pump circuit breaker can be quite frustrating. Not only does it indicate a problem, but it keeps water from flowing into your home. While we may not be electricians, we are well pump experts, and we can tell you what needs to happen next. We’ll help you identify what the issue is, how to fix it, and treat it to last with our warranty guarantee if we can help. Call us today to see how we can help keep your water pump properly functioning and maintained.
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